Breads are basically made with grains. They are thus carbs that have fats and sugars. Thus breads are glutinous and do not qualify as heart healthy foods under normal circumstances. But if you love to eat breads, then don’t fret. Breads can be heart healthy too.
Bliss Specialty ingredients can add Heart Health to your breads making it best product on the shelves.
Bread is perhaps one of the most widely used types of food on the planet. It can also be a food that poses a health risk for people with diabetes. Despite the risk, bread can be one of the hardest foods to give up.
Bliss Ingredients can help design breads that don’t raise blood sugar to extreme levels. By improving the glycemic index of breads.
High fat content (think creamy whipped topping or buttery, dense cookies) particularly saturated fat can lead to heart attacks, strokes, sluggish circulation, and kidney problems.
Bliss research can add benefits to your cookies making it supportive to Heart Health.
Bring the benefit of brain health to your table with brain healthy tasty cookies which will fulfill your sweet tooth and shall help improve cognitive performance.
Bliss ingredients add value to cookies making it support brain health and cognitive function.
Those who effortlessly drift off to sleep, wake up with the birds and charge through the day full of enthusiasm almost certainly have their daily diets nailed. Now make your cookies offer you all-day energy…
Bliss research shapes the new age cookies to give clean high energy without loads of calories.